Was dusting off the dust from some of my old stamp albums when I came across this set of stamps which I thought was a set of Cinderella stamps. The words Fujeira was printed at the bottom of each stamp and it featured scenes from the cartoon 101 Dalmatians. I had never heard of Fujeira before so I decided to do some Googling.
To my surpise, this was not a Cinderella stamp. Fujeira or Fujairah is actually one of seven states belonging to the UAE. This explained the somewhat Arabic prints on the bottom of the stamps which I could not make out too. I can't really recall how I landed my hands on this set of stamps but it is a set of MNH stamps cancelled out nicely in the year 1972. A total of 20 stamps, the market value of this stamp is around US$3 based on a quick check from eBay thought I am sure the actual value might be somewhat lesser since eBay prices are always sort of marked up by a fair bit of 10-30%.
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